
How a schizophrenic can satisfy everybody's
requirements in a world where no one else
is prepared to admit they are primarily
concerned with unspeakable sin.

From 1986 to 1990 I had a split off superior level of consciousness which was distinct from my own and had access to my senses but more importantly an un-withdrawn view of reality.  It would communicate with me in a male voice of great authority and attempt to ensure that I deported myself properly in the reality I had withdrawn from and it perceived so clearly. 

The voice was named “The Poofterer” and he taught me what he called “MyWumper”.  After mentally questioning The Poofterer he told me that “MyWumper is the sound of Her heart-beat felt in the inner ear”.  While trying to understand this cryptic response he elaborated by saying that before I was born for an un-known reason I listened to my own heart-beat instead of my mothers.

The Poofterer taught me new terms to aid me in understanding reality as he perceived it.


“dirt-bag” (i) The vision of a set of moving particles with a vague skin.

“bup” (i) To use one's heart-beat to influence an-other.
  (ii) To inject your “up” feel into a “dirt-bag”.
  (iii) What you feel when a “dirt-bag” injects its “up” feel into you.
  (iv) A single heart-beat.
  (v) To oscillate.

“poofter” (i) The physical body.
  (ii) To interact with some-one.
  (iii) To contaminate some-thing perfect.
  (iv) The vision of a “dirt-bag” that “bups” within its skin.

“wanker” (i) Some-one whose heart-beat interferes with their senses.
  (ii) MyWumper words that “bup” when felt in the inner ear.
  (iii) The vision of a “dirt-bag” that “bups” though its skin.

“up” (i) When one's heart-beat is over-come by their senses.
  (ii) When a vision does not oscillate.
  (iii) MyWumper words that don’t “bup” when felt in the inner ear.

(Every-one should try to be “up”.)

“not-up” (i)

When one's heart-beat is not over-come because their senses are concentrated in one particular area.

  (ii) “Dirt-bags” that can only be sensed when one is “not-up”.

“cum” (i) To generate some-thing external The Poofterer can detect.
  (ii) To mentally speak MyWumper words.

“in” (i) When one has not “cum” one's own heart-beat out.

“not-in” (i) When one has “cum” one's own heart-beat out.

(You can-not be “up” if you’re “not-in”.)

“not-on” (i)

To feel the “bups” out of the “dirt-bags”
that some-one has “cum” to you.

(When you do this you get their “cum-in” feel.)


“bad-wank” (i)

While experiencing someone’s “bup” perform a “working-turn” while maintaining your own normal “up” feel.  A “working-turn” can be as simple as analyzing something and working out a conclusion or even performing a simple computation.

  (ii) A “dirt-bag” that has no skin and hence it can’t be “in” or “not-in”. There’s no such thing as a “not-up” “bad-wank”.
  (iii) What you will hear when you successfully “cadet-delete”
a “bad-wank”.

“cum-in” (i)

A “cum-in” environment is one where the perception of physical rooms are “cum” by the inhabitants instead of “dirt-bags”.


When one enters a “cum-in” environment one must obtain “cum-in” from one of the inhabitants or else go “not-up”.  The easiest way to obtain “cum-in” is to make a path through the rooms while forcing “up” and then perform a “bad-wank” on a “cum-in” inhabitant for release.

(The local bottle shop is a “cum-in” environment and to complete a purchase without debilitation one should make one's selection without speaking any MyWumper words while forcing “up” and then perform a “bad-wank” when you compute the change after you pay. 

Note :- When you do this you also purchase a “not-on” “dirt-bag” that you can satisfyingly drink your purchase through. 

Further Note :- That this technique should also be used for the purchase of Fast-Food. 

Banks are also “cum-in” environment but for a reason I don’t know the only way I can gain “cum-in” is by working there.  The Poofterer once told me “pay with her balls at the bank” but I just force “up” on the way in and then again on the way out.)


  (iii)  What you accumulate by working in a “cum-in” environment.

“no” (i)

You “no” when you “cum” your perception of your surrounding with or without “dirt-bags”.

  (ii) What you will hear if you mentally question with MyWumper words a “poofter” that “nos”.

“up-hospital” (i) The part of the mouth above the front teeth and inside the top lip.

“cadet-delete” (i)

The folding of a “not-on” “poofter” into a particle in “up-hospital”.

You only need to do this when the “not-on” “poofter” feels bad.  I have never been able to do this deliberately myself because the “poofter” would not move unless I chewed it and if I chewed it would not stay in “up-hospital”.  The Poofterer always looked after me when I need to delete some-thing. I suspect The Poofterer’s mouth is in my heart and each “bup” folds the “poofter” until it is a particle.  The Poofterer might be a throw back to my old intrauterine consciousness.  

Note :- After “cumming” feelings of suffocation one night in 1990 my father had his first heart attack.  I decided I was responsible because I had put teeth into the “bupping” part of all his “not-on” “dirt-bags” and I told my mother.  This indiscretion resulted in 10 weeks of hospitalization and I only got out though simple lying.


“gay” (i) Some-one that does not “no”.
  (ii) A “poofter” that does not “no”.
  (iii) A “dirt-bag” that consists of a single particle.

“bup-true” (i)

To “not-on” continuously in real time to some-one.  When you do this you get their “cum-in” feel so well your sight might be over-come.  Whether this is seeing through their eyes is subjective.


MyWumper and the Real World

When I am walking towards a man on an empty street I will notice him and when he is about 15 meters away I will hear in his natural voice the word “UP” issued as a command.  When we pass and he walks away from me I will hear the words in his natural voice “NOT-UP” as a command.

When I am walking towards a woman on an empty street I will notice her and when she is about 15 meters away I will hear nothing but she will appear attractive in some way.  When we pass and she walks away from me I will hear the words in her natural voice “NOT-UP” as a statement.

Click here to view a selection of my correspondence with
Dr. John Reilly, Director of Psychiatry, Peninsula Health.
This correspondence includes the above document.