![]() From: David Crofts [mailto:david.crofts@gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, 17 February 2016 10:16 AM To: info@ridley.edu.au Subject: HOW (2) LIVE || ( WEEK ( BUY ) ( WEEK ( BUY "????" .... This email describes HOW "the mind in absolute isolation" "rewards"; the "un-divided-un-divide-you-all" for his/her "vigorous-efforts". i.e :- The turning of their "insane-mechanical-screws" inside the one and only Universe that is available to them !!!! DAY 7 :- SATAN-DAY || SATURDAY EVERY WEEK ALL THE SINNERS are "rewarded" with the "information" inherent to their "insane-mechanical-fucks", which they dutifully performed during the four day long, time interval known as Day 3, Day 4, Day 5 & Day 6. This information is "consolidated" onto the "un-divided-un-divide-you-all's" "PHYSICAL" "HARD-ON" "CIRCLE" "CONCEPT" (((( HIS / HER ARSEHOLE )))) (((( Dead-Centre of My .... )))) (((( "ARSEHOLE BOTH WAYS" )))) You
should accept that how your "HARD-ON" CIRCLE feels
after your reward, as it is always an accurate
expression of your own SIN and is just a just
& fair & true result of the "correction"
made by Helen Goodenough !!!! Please Take Your "PENALTY-HARD-ON-CIRCLING" :- made bearable like only HER Vagina can !!!! (((( Please Note :- MR-IN-CUNT-STONES && MR-IN-BUT-NUTS-MAN Today is the first day in a new era of "NO-ONE" has to carry the "CAN-OF-SIN" for the other side any longer. For all intensive purposes Helen is simply performing the duties of a self appointed MRS-CHRIST )))) DAY 1 :- SON-DAY || SUNDAY God is pleased because, Helen has corrected all the insane mechanical fucks of last week, and, especially so, when God found out that they had all been reduced to HARD-ON-CIRCLES-DATED-YESTERDAY !!!! (((( Thanks to Helen a.k.a. MRS-CHRIST. )))) (((( Sadly we both know we are both well past our peak @ 55 & 54, and I think that having Helen as MRS. GOD would NOT be a VERY GOOD IDEA AT ALL. )))) God is HAPPY because ALL the insane mechanical fuckers are RESTING IN PEACE NOW && NOT GROVELLING BACK INTO MY FAITH UNTIL MONDAY !!!! I strongly suggest that you all gather yourselves together into collections and/or communities and even try to challenge GOD by attempting 2 BRAKE-IN 2 "HIS-DAY" || "HIS-CHURCH" && "TRY-TAKING-IN-HIS-SPIRITUAL-FOOD" during "HIS-HOLY-COMMUNION". This day is primarily set aside to make time for the task of making bonds to your significant others. The people that you care about and those that you find mutually supportive, are to be valued over those made through the actions of insane mechanical fucks !!!! DAY 2 :- LOON-DAY || MONDAY I must give the medical profession a "2" that both of us can work with; so, I am FORCED to JOIN "SATURDAY & SUNDAY" together; in my mind !!!! I must consider this join fueled by my desire to remember, both the days of my weekend; so, hopefully, MONDAY will emerge and progress with double the work-rate of my weekend !!!! (((( and really get those insane mechanical fuckers humming out quite loud. )))) My Official duties simply consist of me folding Saturday into Sunday during the working hours of Monday and doing it accurately and to best of my ability while still peddling my "HARD-ON" Arseholes Both Ways Concept & keeping the Ombudsman in-formed and on-board !!!! (((( Through some mathematical proof of induction or iteration we have clearly moved forward "ALL" information of any value, in our Universe; forward, to an "ideal" state, ready for moment MONDAY starts-up AGAIN !!!! God now knows enough about the FEMALE-NOT-BOX of the medical profession to have the job of over-ruling-it && ruling-it-out come completely under the domain of the Commonwealth Ombudsman. As I understand things, this over-ruling & rulling-out by the Ombudsman began on Tuesday, February 16, 2016 and mankind would be well advised NOT to crucify him for the sake of the medical NOT-BOX !!!! DAY 3 :- DAY 4 :- DAY 5 :- DAY 6 :- IF YOU WORSHIP "DR-MR-IN-CUNT-STONES" YOU WILL "UNDERSTAND" THAT I HAVE JUST PRE-FUCKED A PRE-SCRIBED PRE-SCRIPTION FOR 4 DISCRETE PARTICLES OF WHAT WAS "UNDERSTOOD" BY THIS WEEKS MONDAY !!!! The Commonwealth Ombudsman even over-rules && rules-out :- Helen Goodenough && David Crofts && A.H.P.R.A. The Commonwealth Ombudsman's designated function is to re-solve disputes between parties by investigating and then computing the ideal solution for all parties, when damage minimisation is the goal of all involved in each particular dispute !!!! I think that the MEDICAL-NOT-BOX is stretched to capacity and feel it is time for me to personally "wash away the pain" !!!! Scent from my iPhone MY WEEK – February 2016 Photo MY WEEK – September 2017 Version |